The Pond

If you are passing by this pond
sit by me and take your time....



Goddess is sitting on a fluffy coach with flowery pillows. She is tired even though everyone thinks that goddesses don’t get tired. She is just like any other woman. She has her own contradictions, her own insecurities, her own ups and downs.

Goddess wears her glamorous jewelry. The jewelry shines in the sunshine and sparkles in the moonlight. She wears her captivating gown. The gown embraces her beautiful body and touches her soft skin, leaving her shoulders bare. Her long wavy hair caresses her shoulders. She is seductive. She is flirtatious. She is a woman and loves being one. She has fire in her eyes and fire in her heart. She burns and burns with pure passion; burns and burns with absolute pleasure.

Goddess is powerful. She knows her power is in her femininity, in her burning heart, in her alluring presence. She knows her power can be dangerous sometimes, can go out of control; but she enjoys playing with fire, fire is a part of her existence. She enjoys having her power unleashed and let the fire within flames out.

Goddess gives birth and feeds with her body. She has an extraordinary power, the power of transformation. With her body, she transforms a cell to a soul, just like the earth that transforms a seed to a gorgeous ranunculus. Transformation is miraculous. Transformation is creation of new existence out of ordinary things. Goddess is a transformer. She is a creator.

Goddess gives love. Giving love is in her soul. She does not make exceptions. She knows people are all thirsty for love; therefore, when it comes to giving love, she is generous. She loves giving love. She is love.

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Thank you for letting your thoughts be reflected in this pond!