The Pond

If you are passing by this pond
sit by me and take your time....



She burns and burns and burns with passion, with love. She is among those scarce people who like to experience life to the fullest, when they are sad, they are really miserable, when they are happy, they are full of joy and when they are in love, they are mad. No balance, just extremes, just pure experience of life with no fear but passion.

This is the story of the butterfly that fells in love with the candle. She looks at him and gets closer, he looks at her and stands still; she starts flying around him, he starts burning; she goes mad, decides to kiss his lips, throws herself in his arms, he grabs her in his flames; they make love passionately; her wings burn but she does not feel anything, his body burns but he does not feel anything; they burn and burn together and they melt in each other.


  1. Anonymous4/10/2011

    I believe Feminine Energy has been neglected for centuries, but now that ithas been liberated, there will be a new age of creativity.

  2. Anonymous4/14/2011

    سلام شادی خانم
    من مهرداد سلطانی هستم. الان داشتیم با مهدی بزاز یاد همکلاسی ها رو می کردیم و تونستیم ردی از شما پیدا کنیم.
    ظاهرا در آمریکا هستید. انشاالله که زندگی خوبی دارید
    خوش و خرم و سلامت باشید


Thank you for letting your thoughts be reflected in this pond!