The Pond

If you are passing by this pond
sit by me and take your time....



Eyes... window to the heart.

Green and black; eager to look into each other, but subtly avoiding to do so. It wasn't a long time that they knew each other. Still a bit shy but very anxious within. They had counted hours impatiently to get there. The mystery and the attraction had brought them together.

They were only glancing at each other while they started to drink. It helped them loosen up. Funny how the mouths were easily speaking to each other but the eyes were hesitant to contact. They drank more. The room felt warmer and cozier. Even the candle light became impatient and started dancing around, seemed like it knew something was going to happen.

Glances started to linger. The black eyes finally decided to fix themselves on green eyes. The green eyes were still wandering around but suddenly they stopped too. They looked at each other, deep in the eyes, it was the first time they were really seeing each other. Something started within... a new spring of emotions flowing from the heart... and there it came: the desire.

1 comment:

Thank you for letting your thoughts be reflected in this pond!