The Pond

If you are passing by this pond
sit by me and take your time....


Freely in love

Tonight, I'm in love again! For the 1,000 time!! In love with the same person again!!! again and again and again. Tonight, loving seems, sounds and feels easy. It feels enlightening actually! It smells like the flower's perfume in the living room, sounds like the melody of the rain in the pond and feels like freedom! I would have never imagined, in my wildest dreams or better say calmest dreams, that I would be feeling free with this love! It even makes me surprised and I wonder what happened...

It's hard to put it in words, maybe because I still haven't quite figure it out. But I know it's hard to get to this point in your love and it's even harder to keep yourself in this mode, the mode of freedom that brings you absolute happiness! I feel I am the happiest woman on the planet, something that I had not felt in a long time, very long time.

But what happened? I just figured it out, just now: I remembered something tonight, something that the adorable old man said before he dies. He said: "there is no issue that does not have a solution, no issue, no issue." Tonight, I realized, maybe for the first time in my life, that it is true. Its reality seems so obvious to me now, at this very moment. How obvious it is: there is a solution for every problem in your life! Can you realize the degree of happiness that you can reach with believing in it? When you believe it then it already feels like you have no problems in your life!

Now, that is magic. It's all the state of your mind then. Imagine you wake up every morning believing there is no problem in your life. It fills you with so much energy that makes the solution-finding process easier and you actually get to resolve your problems easier: action and reaction law! So you can set your state of mind in a way that brings your energy level up and then use part of this energy to resolve an issue in your life and as the result of resolving the issue, you get a boost of energy back and it goes on back and forth. But it all starts with your state of mind.

Free to love and feeling free while in love and being happy to be freely in love.

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Thank you for letting your thoughts be reflected in this pond!