You know that you know it, you can feel that you know it... You read in "Blink" that you know it much earlier than the time you admit it.... so, you just have to face it. What can you do with this super powerful mind? How can you use it in the right path? What is the right path anyways?
As a child your mind is open to everything, you can adopt anything, because nothing seems to be impossible. As an adult you get scared, scared of failure, scared of adopting a way that might not be the right way, scared of traditions...As a child you have no idea what the traditions are, no idea of right or wrong way, there is only one way and it is the way that you choose.
How can I bring my sub-conscious out? How can I face it? Too much useless information has buried it. It has been suppressed all your life, but why? Why human beings suppress the sub-conscious? Can you imagine a human being whose conscious and sub-conscious is unified? He will be the one with a super powerful mind!
I have to go back to my childhood, I feel that it has been hidden somewhere there, have to pull out all the drawers of that period and search them for an answer. Have to go back to the essence, where there was only one way, the way that I chose: making up stories!! How can I use it? Writing a fiction can be making up a story :)
I have used it a lot in a wrong way: making up a story when I'm late, making up a story when I wanted to have sex for the first time and so on... But now it's the time to use it in a right way. What is the right way? The way that can inspire people. Why is it the right way? Because it is the way that I choose!
What I want to do? I want, I choose to write a fiction that can inspire people! It is as easy as that...
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