The Pond

If you are passing by this pond
sit by me and take your time....



As a child, there is a turning moment in your life: in an undesirable moment, you get connected to the "source" and come up with an "idea". You become that "idea" without knowing this fact as a child and forget about it as an adult. It remains, always, in your subconscious though. Maybe, as an adult you should discover what that "idea" has been and bring it back to your conscious and therefore your conscious becomes one with your subconscious and then you will have the most powerful mind.

- Why does it happen in an undesirable moment? beacuse that is when your brain functions more powerfully, that is why the "moment" has to be a cruel moment (in child's perception), to trigger a higher level of vibration in brain.

- What if, as a child, someone explains the idea to you, so that you never forget about it and never leave it in your subconscious?

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Thank you for letting your thoughts be reflected in this pond!